If you’ve ever bought a WordPress theme or plugin, it’s very likely that you familiar with the well-known Envato Marketplace.
Comprising of ThemeForest, CodeCanyon, Videohive, Audiojungle, Graphicriver, Photodune, 3D Ocean.
Every month each of the individual marketplaces gives you an item from the marketplace for free available to download free for that current month.
Every month there’s something different on offer so I thought it’d be cool curate all the free items on offer in one place for your convenience. If you bookmark this page every month, we will update it with the latest item an offer from the individual Market Place available for you to download for free for that month. It’s a great opportunity to grab a fantastic bargain at 100% off the original price. Also be sure to subscribe to a mailing list as it will give you guys a heads up at the start of every month to let you know when you’re free items are available.
Overview of Envato Free Files
Without further ado let’s have a look at this March Envato free files.
ThemeForest Free Templates
This is a templates marketplace in which you can download WordPress themes, HTML templates, Email templates and other CRM templates. If you’re thinking of creating a website, then you’re bound to find something in ThemeForest to suit your needs whether that’s a sales page template, WordPress theme or any other marketing materials you may want or need ThemeForest the place to go.
PineCone – Creative Portfolio and Blog for Agency
Ecobox – Responsive WordPress Theme
Aresivel – A Responsive WordPress Blog Theme
Polishop – Responsive eCommerce Html Template
Grotte – A Dedicated WooCommerce Theme
Off the Shelf
Master – One Page HTML 5 Portfolio Template
Sree – Responsive Coming Soon Template
This is a coming soon template perfect for those that hasn’t launched and wanting to collect visitors emails. You get over 18 different ready-made demos allowing you to customize your coming soon page to suit your brand identity. You also get over eight different color scheme to make customized invoice templates you. If you’d like your users to be able to contact you straight from your coming soon page you can enable to the contact form for a better user experience. It is well documented so if you should ever get stuck, there’s an in-depth documentation to help you out. Further customization
option includes been able to set up a slideshow, color gradient, animation effect and auto responding contact form.
Audiojungle Free Sound
Audiojungle, as the name suggests, is the MarketPlace which provides you with all your music and sound needs. If you’re looking for sound effects, music packs or even sound kits when it’s very likely that you’ll find something to suit your needs on audio jungle. It allows you to preview for sound in which your consider purchasing.
Inspiring Piano Documentary
Inspirational Piano
Upbeat Corporate Motivational Inspiring Uplifting
Corporate Ukulele
Beautiful Ambient Atmosphere
Funny Positive
The House
Put the Good Stuff In
Dark Cinematic
Noir Jazz
It’s a 50s style sound effect which has an excellent jazz feel to it. Almost impossible to describe but I add you to go and check it out it’s free after all.
Videohive Free Video File
Videohive is a marketplace in which you can download stock video footage, logo sting, openers and other video displays. Anything video related can most likely to be found at Videohive.
Glitch Movie Trailer
Haunted Horror Titles Project
Clean Movie Title
Squared – Slideshow
Density Titles
Modern Titles 2
3D Simple Transitions Pack
15 Designer Samples (Pack)
Minimal Lower Thirds
Elegant Mosaic Opener
A user guide is included in to help you get up and running with over 25 different placeholders you’re bound to find something to incorporate in your video presentation. No external plug-in is needed, and it’s also available in full HD.
Graphicriver Free File
Graphicriver allows you to purchase vectors, graphics, infographics, icons, fonts, logos and other web elements such as menu item slider boxes and much more. The price on this marketplace is relatively cheap and affordable compared to if you were to hire a freelance graphic designer or web designer.
Poster / Print Mock-up
Modern car
Flyer Poster Mockup
Book / Catalog Mock-Ups Landscape
10 Text Style Effects for Game Logo #01
20 Minimal Vector Devices
550 Multimedia Buttons
Human Ashes Photoshop Action
15 Realistic Logo Mock-Ups
Over 15 realistic logo design in a real-life environment such as a building wallpaper and more textures.
3d Ocean Free Files
3d Ocean offers users 3d models of different models, cars, animals and a lot more.
Premium Exhibition Design 03
Diamond 3d Model Set
Lowpoly Earth
sea on sunset
Low Poly World Map
A cartoon style low poly flat map of the world for extremely fast rendering and 3D ready.
CodeCanyon allows users to purchase PHP scripts WordPress plugins HTML5 script and other code. With Almost eighteen thousand different code scripts there’s something from us every single idea you may have such as a sharing script, With approximately 18000 different code scripts there’s something for every single idea you may have it such as a sharing script, responsive slider, Chat scripts and a lot more.
Creative Gallery Manager
TileBox – Modern Responsive LightBox CSS
82 Live Chat
Premium Quotes PHP Script
PageLoader: A pre-loader with content slide-in
Z Menu Maker – Drop Down and Mega Menu
WCBox – Product Slider Plugin For Woocommerce
YouTube Automated CMS
This plug-in allows you to create a YouTubr replica to import videos from YouTube. It lets users search videos directly from your website. Adsense placement included helping you increase your advertisement revenue. There’s cutting edge features include lazy load to improve your page loading speed. The control panel is user-friendly and easy to navigate if you ever get stuck there’s an in-depth documentation to help you out.
Photodune Free Photos
Photodune provides users wit royalty free photographs across a broad category field from food, business, health, travel and other areas. You can purchase a stock photo for as little as $1 with thousands of options to choose from.
leader of marathon young athlete runner
Eye Glasses
Tea kettle
Salmon glacier
Country road by springtime
As the name suggest a picture perfect country road, waiting for you to unleash your creativity.
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