Pinterest Statistics, Users, Demographics And Facts For 2020

Pinterest is a powerful digital media, which can enable significant traffic to your website. The platform facilitates both word and image search. The idea conceptualized by Ben Silbermann and brought into a reality with his friends Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. They began to develop Pinterest in December 2009 and launched it in March 2010.
Pinterest became a trendsetter for fashion, photography, food, DIY, places, quotes beauty, home, recipe, art, and what doesn’t. It is such a creative medium for creative ideas.
Overview of Pinterest Statistics, Users, Demographics And Facts For 2020
Got an idea? Pin it. Need an idea? Search on Pinterest.
People began to see Pinterest as a search engine that gives the information they could rely on and trust. From Google it to pin it, the world has changed a bit. Pinterest keeps taking ideas from the users and makes it useful for millions of others.
The statistics taken from the time of its launch of Pinterest is impressive. Let’s go through some of the major statistics you should know about Pinterest.
Gender Statistics
The female-male ratio of Pinterest users shows that the former has more hold on the site. Both genders have different tastes in everything, even in the contents of Pinterest. But there are some areas where they show similar interests. The following statistics show how interests differ.
- As per January 2020 survey report, 72% of Pinterest users are females, 20% are males, and the unspecified reflects 8%. (Statista)
- Women predominate men with 60% more new signups, while 40% of new signups are men. (Omnicare)
- 80% of US mothers use Pinterest. (eMarketer)
- By the end of 2019, 53% of global Pinterest employees were males, and 47% were females. (Statista)
- Female Pinterest users post 158 pins on average. Top categories include food & drink, DIY & Crafts, Home Decor, Holidays and Events, Hair & Beauty. (searchenginewatch)
- 85% of females between the age of 25-54 use Pinterest to plan their small or big life moments to make household decisions. Facebook and Instagram trails behind with 53% and 44%, respectively. Big life moments include getting ideas to plan their ideal home within five years. 43% of users plan such big life moments. Small moments include recipe ideas, parties, and workouts. (Pinterest )
- Food, drink, and technology are the top categories for men. (socialpilot)
- According to the study made by Georgia Institute of Technology and University Minnesota, men gain more Pinterest followers, and women earn more re-pins. (business2community)
- The most shared contents by men are photography, art, design, and home decor. The similar pinning shared by both men and women is humor, tattoos, animals, quotes, and gardening. Food and drink were the most popular category by men and women. (business2community)
- 40% of US dads are Pinterest users, in which 45% of them have a household income of $100k plus who have children living at home. (PBusiness)
- 82% of US dads use Pinterest for shopping as well. They say Pinterest helped them to find new products. (PBusiness)
Content statistics
Content is the king, anywhere and everywhere. Good content never fails to attract the audience. When it comes to Pinterest, there is no other word or thing which dominates other than content. It is a place with lots of content and creative content developers that keeps influencing millions of people every day.
Take a look at the content statistics of Pinterest:
- In the 2018 survey, the most pinned topics on Pinterest are recipes. 75% of the top 100 pins were about recipes. Crafts, comedy, fitness/health, DIY home, and other pins come after. (Statista)
- 85% of Pinterest users get inspired by the contents they have seen on Pinterest and made purchases based on that. They depended on Pinterest to decide what to buy. (MarketingLand)
- The survey among the 18 plus shows that 59% likes to view photos on Pinterest. 21% watch videos, 21% love to share content with everyone, 12% for sharing content one-to-one, 10% for networking, 9% for news, 47% users for finding or shopping for products, and 5% for promoting their business. (eMarketer)
- Pins with vibrant images with multiple colors have got 3.25 times more re-pins than that of images with a single dominant color. (searchenginewatch)
- Images with colors that are red, orange, and brown in dominant have more re-pins than those with blue. (searchenginewatch)
- Tutorials and DIY videos have more reach in Pinterest than other content. (Shopify)
- In the top 10 re-pinned categories on Pinterest, recipe, cake, chicken, bake, cake, cheese, cut, minutes, bottle, step, mix stand out the most. The ten most pinned words are love, home, things, style, ideas, like, places, words, book, stuff. (socialmarketingwriting)
- Less than one-fifth of images in Pinterest today have a presence of a face. Those images which do not show faces have got 23% more re-pins. (searchenginewatch)
- A call-to-action pin description can increase engagement by 80%. (ripen)
- 200-300-character pins get 57% more share than pins with more or less character length. (ripen)
- Tall images are the most shared with 67% than small images. (ripen)
- Images with more background are less likely to be repined than those with less background. (socialmarketingwriting)
- Less than one-fifth of images in Pinterest today have a presence of a face. Those images which do not show faces have got 23% more re-pins. (searchenginewatch)
- Pins from different categories are popular on each day of the week. Fitness on Monday, technology on Tuesday, inspirational on Wednesday, fashion on Thursday, humor on Friday, travel on Saturday, food, and DIY crafts on Sunday. (business2community)
- The taller pins with the maximum aspect ratio being 1:2.8 get a good response on Pinterest. (Shopify)
General statistics
Why does Pinterest stand out from other mediums?
What makes this platform a favorite destination for fashion inspiration?
From among loads of shopping sites, why do people shop from this site?
Why do people take ideas from Pinterest to make use of their daily life?
To answer all these, take a look at the general statistics.
The following information will give you an idea about the reach of audience, marketers can make in Pinterest using adverts.
Pinterest is a site for those who are looking for variety in everything.
- Headquarters of Pinterest is in San Francisco. (Omnicare)
- The best time to pin in the afternoon is between 2 pm to 4 pm and the best time to pin the evening is between 8 pm to 1 am. (socialmarketingwriting)
- There are a total of four billion Pinterest boards on the web. (Omnicore)
- Among the worldwide social media ranking, Pinterest is ranked 14th with 335 million active users. (Statista)
- Joy Cho is the most followed user in Pinterest account with over 13 million followers. (socialmediaperth)
- Saturday morning is considered the best time to pin. (mashable)
- In 2017 Pinterest introduced visual search. Since then, the number of visual searches performed using Pinterest lenses has varied from 250 million (2017) to 600 million (2018). (Statista)
- Pinners save 200 billion-plus pins. (Omnicore)
- Users who pin 15 to 30 times a day get better results. (business2community)
- Unbranded product pins stand for 97% of searches. (Pinterest)
- Pinterest has 250k mobile app downloads on the iPhone. (mashable)
- The average time spent on Pinterest per visit is 14.2 minutes. (mashable)
- Pinterest ’s new feature called Try On is a new augmented reality, which allows the users to virtually try various lipstick shades based on complexion and could shop it accordingly. (Marketingland)
- Pinterest has a visual search technology. They announced a paid search platform in virtual search technology. (searchenginewatch)
- 12% of Pinterest keyword searches contain at least one spelling error. (searchenginewatch)
- The investment in image recognition and object detention technology resulted in the launch of the Pinterest lens. (searchenginewatch)
- There are more than 2% more travelers on Pinterest than any other popular top online traveling site. (socialpilot)
- A pin’s average lifespan is one week. 40% of clicks occur on the first day, 30% of clicks happen on the second day, and another 30% of clicks in the remaining days. (ripen)
- The top domains in Pinterest include,,,, and so on. (searchenginewatch)
- The three main areas in which Pinterest ads operate are video, social e-commerce, and search. (searchenginewatch)
Marketing statistics
Even Though, the founders of Pinterest claim it to be not as social media, Pinterest is growing as one. The virtual media has got the content that could attract ordinary people as well as marketers and brands.
Pinterest began trading from the year 2019, exactly nine years from its launch. The platform has already started to contribute to the market share. Advertising gives the media a good profit. Apart from that, people use Pinterest for shopping as well.
With its impressive and stand out proposals in each category, Pinterest is growing.
- The global annual revenue of Pinterest in the year 2019 is $1,142.76 million; the progress every year was $298.87 million in 2016, $472.85 million in 2017, $755.93 million in 2018. (Statista)
- The annual expenditure of Pinterest for its research and development from 2016 to 2019 shows that the company spent over $167.55 million in 2016, and approximately $1,207.06 million in 2019. (Statista)
- The market share of Pinterest in the US, is 19.18%, in December 2019, which follows Facebook with 50.68%, and crosses Twitter, which has a market share of 19.03%. (Statista)
- The survey conducted among the US marketing and advertising executives shows that 44% of US marketers don’t show any interest in Pinterest. 18% of the respondents have not even heard about this social media network. 7% say that their company has already been utilizing Pinterest. (Statista)
- The advertisement in Pinterest has induced a high peak of $1.03 billion worldwide within the years between 2016 and 2020. (Statista)
- 28% of social media marketers use Pinterest to market their businesses. (Statista)
- Pinterest has the highest order value compared to other social media platforms. It has an average order value of $80.54, which crosses the number one social media site Facebook with $71.2. (searchenginewatch)
- Advertising on Pinterest earns $2 profit for every $1 spent. (socialpilot)
- The market value of Pinterest is 13.7 billion. (Omnicore)
- Pinterest user’s income is 9% higher than non-users. (ripen)
- Pinterest, unlike other social networks, filed an IPO only in the year 2019, almost nine years after its launch. Pinterest launched in March 2010. (Statista)
- 1% of US marketers use Pinterest for social media marketing. 86.8% more use Facebook, 73.2% use Instagram, and 30.7% use Snapchat for social media marketing. (eMarketer)
- Pinterest started its trading in the New York exchange at $23.75. (CNBC)
- By 2018, the Pinterest business has increased up to 1.5 million. (PBusiness)
- The market capitalization of Pinterest is $6.67B as of March 16, 2020. (macrotrends)
- 28% of marketers claim that they are already using Pinterest. (Omnicore)
- 77% weekly pinners say that they have discovered a new brand or a product from the web. (Pinterest)
- The development of the Pinterest mobile ad tool in 2019 made it easy for marketers and businesses to manage Pinterest right from their phones. (sproutsocial)
- 75% of daily Pinterest traffic comes from mobile apps. (ripen)
- Pinterest with a price has a 36% higher chance of being liked. (ripen)
- Around 5% of referral traffic to websites comes from Pinterest, according to Shareaholic research, which is second to Facebook, which has 25% referral traffic on the web. (Pinterest)
Pinterest is a popular visual treat platform intending to give and take ideas from people. Pinterest has two types of audiences; influencers and the influenced. The profound ideas generated by the ingenious minds spread all over to create an impact on the daily lives of millions.
The demographics here show the number of people from various strata of society and community got influenced and gave recognition and rise to the platform. The growth of the platform is evident from the immense increase of its users since the launch.
- Pinterest has shown an enhancement of 335 million users in the fourth quarter of 2019, which is an upswing from the previous years’ statistics from 2016 to 2018. In the first quarter of 2016, it was 128 million users. In 2017, there were 200 million users, and in 2018, there were a total of 250 million. (Statista)
- In 2019, 36% of the US population had accessed Pinterest through mobile. (Statista)
- The estimated Pinterest users in the US in 2022 would be 90.1million. (Statista)
- Pinterest has more users from the USA as per the January 2020 worldwide statistics, with 79.43 million. Germany and France come in the next two positions, with 12.5 million and 10.76 million, respectively. The UK has 10.66 million users, and Canada, with over 8.25 million Pinterest users, comes in the fifth position. (Statista)
- The statistics for the fourth quarter of 2019 show that the USA has 88 million active monthly Pinterest users. The inscribed active monthly users internationally are 247 million. (Statista)
- 50% plus pinners live outside the US. (Pinterest)
- In 2018, Pinterest had 1,797 full-time employees, and in 2019 it increased to 2,217. Around the world, Pinterest employs 2,000 people. (Statista) (Pnewsroom)
- 80% of people use Pinterest via mobile apps. (techjury)
- 50% of visits happen after 3.5 months of first pinning, and you have to wait until 3.5 months to get 50% of the engagement for the pin. The half-life of a Facebook post is 90 minute and for a Tweet is 24 minutes. It shows Pinterest pins are 1,680 times longer than a Facebook post. (socialmarketingwriting)
- The most popular mobile networking apps by monthly users in the US as per September 2019, Pinterest is in the fifth position with 66.88 million users, precedes Facebook, which has 169.76 million, Instagram with 121.23 million, the Facebook messenger with 106.4 million and Twitter with 81.47 million monthly users. (Statista)
- 43% choose Pinterest in place of reading magazines. (ripen)
- 2 million people save shopping pins on boards daily. (omnicore)
- As per the 2018 survey, 34% of US citizens who use Pinterest are between the age group of 18-29, 35% are between the age group of 30-49, 28% are between 50-64, 15% are 65 plus. 38% of users are college graduates, 19% have got high school education or less. 30% of Pinterest users are from urban areas; 33 % are from suburban areas, 26% are from rural areas. 33% are white, 27% are black, and 22% are Hispanic.(pewresearchcenter)
- The majority of active pinners are below the age of 40. (omnicore)
- 300 million people saved more than 200 billion pins. (Pinterest)
- 98% try new things that they find on Pinterest. (Pinterest)
- Nearly two thirds, i.e., 64% say that they use this platform to find new ideas, products, or services that they can trust. (pnewsroom)
- 83% say they would rather follow their favorite brand than their favorite celebrity on the platform. (socialmediaperth)
- 52% use Pinterest to develop their passion for food and drinks. (Pinterest)
- 18% of fashion retail brands pin their images; the users run 82 % of pins for the brands. (searchenginewatch)
- 70% bought jewelry, watches, or accessories in the past 6 months. One out of two spends around $500 on women’s clothes and shoes. (Pinterest)
- 51% says they get exposed to new brands on Pinterest. (Pinterest)
- 50% of millennials say Pinterest inspires them to make their dream a reality more than any other social media platform. While Facebook and Instagram prompt such ideas relatively up to 10% and 8%, respectively. (sproutsocial)
- American and British users get more re-pins than other communities and nationalities. (business2community)
Get Ideas, Pin It
Do the statistics of Pinterest express much better results in the future?
Like any other startups, Pinterest started as an infant who is looking for a platform for its growth. With only 5,000 users initially to 320 million active users weekly, Pinterest has shown a significant outbreak on social platforms.
The aggregate statistics on Pinterest shows its broad reach on people within 9 years. To be a pinner, you need to create alluring content and should have unique ideas. Your pins speak through images, and many such catchy images show good results.
The overall statistics of Pinterest shows the engagement of the medium by global users. The visual treat of Pinterest never fails to impress anyone who is looking for creativity or new ideas. It is a more colorful space that gives you brilliant ideas and to share your thoughts with the world in the form of pictures.
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