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HBook Reviews: Pricing and Features

FindrScore The Scoring is based on our unique algorithm that looks at reviews, votes, behavior, social signals and more. Learn more



Features & Functionality
Industry avg 7.2
Ease of use
Industry avg 7.2
Value for money
Industry avg 7.2
Customer Support
Industry avg 7
Best For:
  • Customer support
  • Ease of use
  • Low cost software
would you reccommend HBook ?

Manage by : Celine Godard | Category : WordPress ,  | The score for this software has not changed over the past month.

Editors note – This review has been created by looking at 824 datapoints and the opinions of actual users of the software and the company representative. HBook as a FindrScore of 73 which is in the top quadrant in this segment.It’s also priced reasonably with the occasional promotions. Many users on our platform to express great satisfaction in the service provided overall. If you are not tech-savvy then you will be pleased to know HBook is fair easy to grasp.

Pros & Cons

10 Reasons to buy

  • Compared to others the price is reasonable
  • The majority of our users are experiencing positive experience with HBook
  • Great features list
  • Upsells feature has been rated 0% above industry average
  • Sync Bookings feature has been rated 0% above industry average
  • Category leader in WordPress Booking Plugins
  • Best for Customer support
  • Best for Ease of use
  • Best for Low cost software
  • 100% of users say they would recommend HBook

3 Reasons not to buy

  • airbnb supported feature has been rated 13% below industry average
  • Online and Offline Payments feature has been rated 60% below industry average
  • Export/Import feature has been rated 100% below industry average

HBook Pricing Overview

  • $49 / One Time
  • One time license
    • Regular license: $50
    • Extended support: $16.88 for 12 months extended
Pricing ModelOpen Source 0%Subscription 0%Freemium 0%One-time License 100%Promotional Offers20% Free Trials 0%

That is the average price for a solution in this field and HBook is on the lower end so price wise it’s a great offer.

low Mid High
After analyzing 5similar solutions the data above show that Team Booking offers the lowesest starting price while YITH Booking and Appointment offers the highest entry price.That being said is also worthtaking a closer look at whats on offer because sometimes you may get way more value for a solution with a higher entry price and vise versa

Key Features

When looking at a solution like HBook, users on our platform are wanting these top three features Upsells,Sync Bookings,Stripe Addon. Below you will find some of the top feature highlights of HBook ranked and rated by your peers.
Ical sync (AirBnb, booking.com, TripAdvisor, Expedia, etc…) {{ IcalxsyncxxAirBnbxxbookingxcomxxTripAdvisorxxExpediaxxetcxxxx.status}}
Payment gateways add-ons (Authorize.net, Square, Mollie, Instamojo, 2Checkout, etc…) {{ PaymentxgatewaysxaddxonsxxAuthorizexnetxxSquarexxMolliexxInstamojoxx2Checkoutxxetcxxxx.status}}
Taxes & Fees {{ TaxesxxxFees.status}}
airbnb supported {{ airbnbxsupported.status}}
Tripadvisor supported {{ Tripadvisorxsupported.status}}
Online and Offline Payments {{ OnlinexandxOfflinexPayments.status}}
Hotels.com supported {{ Hotelsxcomxsupported.status}}
Conditional Rates {{ ConditionalxRates.status}}
Bookings Calendar {{ BookingsxCalendar.status}}
Booking Management {{ BookingxManagement.status}}
Email Automation {{ EmailxAutomation.status}}
Email Notification {{ EmailxNotification.status}}
Payment Processing {{ PaymentxProcessing.status}}
Credit card processing {{ Creditxcardxprocessing.status}}
Customized invoices {{ Customizedxinvoices.status}}
Customer Management {{ CustomerxManagement.status}}
Responsive design {{ Responsivexdesign.status}}
Translation Ready {{ TranslationxReady.status}}
Multi Language {{ MultixLanguage.status}}
Export/Import {{ ExportxImport.status}}
PayPal included {{ PayPalxincluded.status}}
Stripe included {{ Stripexincluded.status}}
Check Availability {{ CheckxAvailability.status}}
Discount Coupons {{ DiscountxCoupons.status}}
Upsells {{ Upsells.status}}
Viable Bookings {{ ViablexBookings.status}}
Sync Bookings {{ SyncxBookings.status}}
Does HBook offer PayPal Addon feature?

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