My portfolio is an excellent WordPress theme to consider if you’re planning to display your portfolio online in an elegant manner. As you browse through the website, there is CSS3 loading animation which gives users an interactive browsing experience as the page loads. You have the option to set the portfolio section as your homepage or your typical blogging format. There’re lots of noteworthy features to mention, and I will try to list a few such as the in post slider to wow your readers. You get the gold standard theme options panel we have all come to love, including a dedicated performance optimization panel. You get a few custom widgets crafted to be in keeping with the website design such as the eye-catching about me widget. You have the option to post in various post types such as video, audio, gallery or even quote each display differently to keep the focus on that particular post. integration giving you more exposure and retail space in the search engine which leads to a higher click through rate.
Theme Highlights
- Included is a “my client section” which allows you to show off your previous clients which in turn helps install trust in prospects.
- Unlimited sidebar creation to help inform your readers.
- Unlimited color and backgrounds to choose from helping you create a website that is in keeping with your brand identity.